The Current Reasoning to NOT be a Republican

Comparative Reasoning
1 min readFeb 11, 2022

This is a reply to a Discord post about Anti-Vaxxer truckers protesting mask mandates in Canada.

I’d like you to think of something messed up about the anti-vaxxers. The majority of people got vaccinations for all kinds of viruses for decades. Why is Covid-19, 20, L, D, 21 and 22 so mindlessly fought against? It’s not religion. It’s not science. It all rests on the fact that Trump said it was a hoax. When the people started dying, his followers started denying. When the deaths didn’t end, they claimed the dead were weak. As the numbers climbed higher…



Comparative Reasoning

A catch-all topic based channel without restraint. I’m about shedding light through the fog using compare & contrast, mixed with reasoning, and personal views.