Member-only story
Since I was a kid, I never understood what the problem was with homosexuals. I only saw a person. Everyone else wanted to see sexuality. I was blind to sexuality. Why was this bad? Being blind to sexuality makes it hard to understand what those with certain sexualities go through. The way is appeared as I grew, the ratio of same-sex-oriented people, were equal to those who were “normal”.
Now, like religion, I had to look at one important thing. Who was the aggressor? The straight people were always hostile towards the homosexual people. So then, I simply listened to my closed-minded friend and the anti-homosexual rhetoric they spewed from their flappable sewers. I asked an important question at the time. “Why do you hate someone that doesn’t show you any interest, and doesn’t affect your life at all?” That was too much logic for them. I knew it as they retorted with extreme defense. “What, are you gay now or something?” “Why you taking up for the pink team?” “Because, man, they faggots. Com’on, you gotta see it.” There’s many more but it doesn’t matter as it’s basically cookie-cutter stupidity.
So, in understanding straight people are fucking stupid, and I’m straight, I simply grouped myself in the crowd of dumbass muthafuckas, because I know that same-sex people have been brow-beaten so much from vocal ridicule to murder, that if they see a straight person and wishes ill onto one, it’s earned…