Member-only story
“Shut up with your nonsense!” “You’re such a whiner!” “Stop being a crybaby!” “Wah-wah-wah! Someone call the Wahmbulance!”
Need I go on? These are the top phrases said to people who complain about anything no matter how small it is. The “bully culture” as I’ll dub it has made sure that if anything you do, it is not complain. Your car broke down and you’re upset. You have lower back pain. Your job is not paying you enough. You’re tired from too much work and not enough sleep. Your leg was blown off in the oil war — and a whole host of other complaints such as having no money to go to the emergency room, people being killed by Right-wing fundamentalist in mass murders; and that one guy from the Left-wing. All solutions are simple… until.
What solutions would arise from the mouths of the bullies and those of Stockholm syndrome of the Bully Culture? This goes on what I have described up top. Fix your car or buy a new one, crying about ain’t gonna help. Back pain? I’ve gone through worse. Buck up and it’ll go away. You don’t get paid much. Get a better job. You work like anyone else, just rest at night and stop doing anything I assert onto you at night. War is bad, but you’re a vet now. Soldier up and fight on. We’re proud of you for defending our freedom. Can’t afford the emergency room? That’s tough, but complaining ain’t gonna fix anything so, you might as well deal…